"Gifts with a heart" - Christmas package campaign 2021


Also for Christmas 2021, the employees of SUMIDA flexible connections GmbH in cooperation with SUMIDA Romania SRL, wanted to give needy children in Romania a nice Christmas.

For this reason, we collected Christmas gift bags again.

After receiving numerous gifts for the children, the SUMIDA employees were even more pleased to receive the following lines from the children:

"To the staff of SUMIDA Flexible,

we, the children of the Day Centre for Children with Disabilities "DON'T FORGET ME" in Jimbolia (Hatzfeld), would like to thank you for your commitment and support, which are offered every year to put a smile on our faces and make us happy for the holidays.

We are very grateful for all the lovely gifts you have given us this year and for helping Father Christmas to come to us.

From the bottom of our hearts, full of love, we send you our gratitude and wish you happy holidays and a better New Year!

Thank you very much!
Your children from the "DON'T FORGET ME" Day Centre".