SUMIDA presents a donation in kind to the NBC group

SUMIDA presents a donation in kind to the NBC group

SUMIDA presents the NBC group of the Radeberg fire brigade with a donation in kind as a thank you for their efforts during the hazardous materials exercise.

On Monday 07.11.2022, the head of the NBC group and the head of the Radeberg municipal fire brigade met with our managing director and our safety officer. After the Radeberg fire brigade had supported us in the recent past during the hazardous materials exercise, we were now able to present them with a donation in kind as a thank you for their commitment.
In order to ensure safety in our company, we need constant exercises in which the comrades of the Radeberg fire brigade support us.
This not everyday exercise in cooperation with the NBC group has shown us that the fire brigade needs a lot of equipment. For this reason, we presented a battery-powered construction spotlight as a thank you, which we hope will be a good support for future operations.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Radeberg fire brigade and its NBC group once again!